"Commentary: The Veteran Suicide Crisis is Preventable. Here's What You Can Do" news a
Source: Click here Earlier this year, a young veteran presented for therapy at the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at the...

Updated 'Resources' Page!
Visit our updated 'Printable Materials' page under the 'Resources' tab across the top of our webpage. There are now articles, fact...

"Northeast STAR BBQ" hosted by Capital City 430 and Hanover 443 Touring & Riding Clubs
We want to extend a heartfelt "Thank You" to the Capital City Chapter 430 Star Touring & Riding Club and the Hanover Chapter Chapter 443...

Happy Birthday, Dane
Today we celebrate Dane's wonderful life. Anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays always affect love ones and friends in different ways,...
"Veteran and Military Suicide Prevention" Fox News article
Source: Click here Once every 72 minutes. That's how often U.S. military veterans kill themselves. According to the Department of...

"5 Ways to Help During National Suicide Prevention Week (and Beyond)" news article
Source: click here 1. Say the S word. Suicide. Yes, it can be uncomfortable to talk about, but the more you practice saying the word, the...

Harrisburg Out of the Darkness Walk 9/9/17
Today, Dane was honored and remembered at the Harrisburg Out of the Darkness community walk hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide...

Now Accepting Dog Placement Applications!
We are now (and always) accepting applications for dog placements through Dane's Dogs for Vets. If you are a veteran or know of one who...

"In A First, Arlington National Cemetery Honors Services Members Lost by Suicide" news art
Source: Click here ARLINGTON, VA (WUSA9) - For the first time, service members who have died by suicide were officially honored at...