Karl Moore receives Sadie, a German Shepherd puppy donated through the Cpl Dane Freedman PTSD Servic
We are pleased to announce that Karl Moore, a disabled Marine veteran from Maine, has finally recieved Sadie thanks to a large donation...
'Dogs of War:' New A&E Series Captures 'Intense' Journey of PTSD Military Veterans As They're Matche
The A&E network will soon debut "Dogs of War," a new docu-series about war veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)...
Cpl Dane Freedman honored at Marine Corps Marathon this past weekend
We received this in the mail today!! Thank you Karyn Ryan for your commitment of 22 Too Many and for doing us the honor of running for...
The Strength Behind People With Mental Illness
October 20, 2014, Huffington Post There's a very uninformed, ongoing stigma that mental illness is some sort of weakness. There's an...
"PTSD - When An Unending Battlefield Comes Home
October 15, 2014 If the bullet had flown higher, it would have hit Travis Good in the head. After a military patrol in Afghanistan that...
#ptsd #veteran #awareness
Service Dogs Helping Thoses with Trauma
It was a Facebook friendship that brought him to Grand Rapids this week, and it’s the power of social media, along with tried-and-true...
New PTSD Service and Emotional Support Dog Study Underway
With the increase in military veterans returning with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a new study is underway to see if service...
$1,000 Donated Towards Service Dog for Marine Veteran in Maine (Cpl Dane Freedman PTSD Service Dog F
A Marine veteran who served 8 years overseas will soon be the next recipient of a six-month-old German Shepherd puppy. Karl Moore lives...
"For Veterans with PTSD, A New Demon: Their Meds" article
Threat of Addiction to Prescription Painkillers Heightened With Mental Illness November 10, 2013 NEWPORT, N.H.—Desperation drove Timothy...