PLEASE READ: Service Dog Fund Information
Our fund is in it's infancy stages, as Dane just passed in December. We are in the process of placing two dogs within the next month. Our...
Dogs save lives!
We just LOVE this cartoon!!! These are the "prescriptions refills" our veterans need, and we can't wait to make this happen for other...
Camp Hill Marine's sister speaks out about suicide
Nicole did a great job tonight sharing Dane's story on the evening news. It will also air tonight at midnight on CBS21. Click here to...
PTSD among veterans: Camp Hill family hopes others learn from soldier son's suicide
We've been waiting for this article!! Click here to read the online version of the article. We are still waiting to hear from the writer,...
Book Recommendation: "Down Range to Iraq and Back"
"Down Range to Iraq and Back" by Bridget C. Cantrell, Ph.D. & Chuck Dean This is a GREAT book to read whether you are a veteran returning...
"When the Music Stops" article
Click here for the article Incredible look into the mind of an OEF/OIF veteran. Dane had many similar opinions, such as the ignorance...
Writing to Relieve PTSD Symptoms
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you." - Maya Angelou This article explains how writing can be an...
"The VA is killing veterans" article
The VA is killing veterans This article written by "Marty" on perfectly outlines the unethical way our veterans are...
Marijuana may help PTSD. Why won’t the government find out for sure?
This is a great article I stumbled upon explaining how the Federal government has been impeding on any potential research proving that...