"Medical Marijuana Can be a Much-Needed Miracle for Vets With PTSD" article
Staff Sargent Mike Whiter says prescription drugs are contributing to veteran suicides—and marijuana saves lives. November 12, 2013 After...
"Animal Therapy is Making Strides in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" great recommen
We recommend reading this article below that goes in depth about the benefits of animal assisted therapy! For years, animals have been...
"How Dogs Can Help Veterans Overcome PTSD" article
New research finds that "man's best friend" could be lifesavers for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. July 2012 by Chris...
"Mindfulness Tools for Veterans in the Transition Home": Honoringthepath.org
Honoring the Path of the Warrior provides free-of-charge, one-day events and retreats throughout the year. These programs offer a unique...
"Veterans Kick the Prescription Pill Habit, Against Doctors' Orders" article
For many people with post-traumatic stress disorder, sleeping can return you to the worst place you've ever been, at the worst possible...
Fireworks as a trigger for PTSD - Fourth of July Info to Keep in Mind!
How Fourth of July Celebrations Affect Veterans with PTSD July 3, 2014 The July 4th Holiday should be a time to celebrate our veterans...
PTSD affects veterans of all ages, from WWI and Vietnam to present day Iraq and Afghanistan
We wanted to bring attention to the fact that PTSD affects veterans of all ages. The emphasis we put on the recent explosion of younger...
"Marine Veterans Walk Cross-Country for PTSD Awareness" article
Marine Veterans Walk Cross-Country for PTSD Awareness June 17, 2014 WASHINGTON (WUSA9) -- Two D.C. area Marines quit their jobs and...
PTSD in the Military
When we sense danger, we instinctually experience fear. Fear triggers our body to prepare to defend ourselves against or evade from the...
"Can Marijuana Heal A Wounded Warrior?" CBS News article
Can Marijuana Heal A Wounded Warrior? CBS News June 25, 2014 Matt Kahl made it home after two tours in Afghanistan, but was wracked with...