"How Dogs Can Help Treat Depression" article
Dogs can be more than just a loving family member. They contribute in many ways just by being a part of the household. They can even be...
"Weed 3" On CNN Sunday 4/19 9pm ET
Watch Dr. Sanjay Gupta explore the medicinal value of marijuana on "Weed 3" this Sunday, April 19th at 9:00pm ET. Click here to watch the...

"Memories of Soldiers Told Through Handmade Quilts"
Fonda, IA (KTIV) - CLICK HERE FOR INTERVIEW ABOUT DANE!! It's a tradition that started after the September 11th attacks on America. In...

"War and the Soul: Healing Our Nation's Veterans from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder"
War and PTSD are on the public's mind as news stories regularly describe insurgency attacks in Iraq and paint grim portraits of the lives...

War Veterans Turn to Farming to Cope With PTSD
Last year was a historic one for veterans seeking a rehabilitative career path upon returning home from conflict zones. 2014’s Farm Bill,...

Facebook Introduces New Tools To Help Prevent Suicide
People struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm often drop hints to friends in conversation, in emails — even on Facebook. The...

"Veteran with PTSD Wants Medical Marijuana Legalized in Tennessee" article
Thank you Devin Newton, a USMC combat veteran from Dane's company, for having the courage to tell your story!!! Click here to watch his...

"The Blood of Patriots" article written by USMC veteran Dustin Jones
An article written by Dustin Jones, a USMC veteran who served tours of duty with Cpl Dane Freedman. Please click the link below to read...
"8 Things to Consider When Your Depression's Not Getting Better" article
I keep getting the same email over and over again, and my heart aches each time I read it: “I have tried everything to overcome my...
"Spotting the Warning Signs of Depression in Men" - very informative article
Sarah Gaer lays out a list of things to look for, a list that might just save the life of a man you care about. I am a suicide prevention...