"Preventing Suicide: Breaking the Silence" NBC Philadelphia documentary
Source: Click here "Suicide is considered a whispered word. But those who have attempted it - and their friends and relatives - are...

"Rosario: As veterans deal with PTSD, new documentary helps us understand how" news articl
Source: click here Jerry Miron remembers the firefight well, though it took the 68-year-old Twin Cities man and Vietnam War combat...

"Sebastian Junger on PTSD: 'It's coming home that's actually the trauma'"
Source: http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-05-13/ptsd-isnt-about-what-happens-battlefield-what-happens-back-home We might think we have a...
Psychiatry's Secret Involvement in Military Suicides
PLEASE WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY!!! It is an hour and forty five minutes and worth every single second. Educate yourself!! This is such an...