!["N.J. veterans fight to use medical marijuana for treatment of PTSD [video]" news article](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e476_18359e23b7db48a59d2c75f7d4369fd6~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_319,h_216,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/57e476_18359e23b7db48a59d2c75f7d4369fd6~mv2.webp)
"N.J. veterans fight to use medical marijuana for treatment of PTSD [video]" news article
Source: click here "He still sees them, more than three decades after the horrific crash wiped out 18 of his military brothers. He...
"Why Veterans In Pennsylvania Are Still Shut Out From Medical Marijuana" article
Source: click here PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — One group in Pennsylvania has been completely shut out from accessing medical marijuana for...

"Veterans are using pot to erase PTSD, despite scant research" article
Source: Click here A growing number of states are weighing whether to legalize marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. But for...

"Medical Cannabis Deserves a Vote" -Rep. Mike Regan
Source: click here This legislative session has been a difficult one, with a drawn-out and contentious debate about the budget and slow...

"War Veterans Fight to Clear Stigma around Medical Marijuana" article
Source: Click here He has served in one capacity or another in seven conflicts, killed and captured countless enemy fighters and was a...

PITTSBURGH, PA (July 7, 2015) – Campaign4Compassion (C4C) and the Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Society (PAMCS) are optimistic about a...

Successful night @ CBS 21 Medical Marijuana Town Hall
Last night was such a success! Dane's mother, sister, and nana attended the Central Penn College Town Hall regarding medical marijuana...

Mike Whiter: Overmedication of veterans in new photo documentary
From Marine Veteran Mike Whiter: "I'm doing a #photoessay on #veterans who have been or are being #overmedicated by the #VA. If you know...