June is Post Traumatic Stress Awareness Month
Click here for an important resource about how you can raise awareness about Post Traumatic Stress #ptsd #awareness #ptsdawareness #VA...
Local resource for Veterans & Military Families: American Red Cross
Source: click here Born on the battlefield, the Red Cross sees it as one of our primary missions to support our Military and their...
"A Former Congressman Is Working To Help Veterans By Tackling Mental Illness" article
Source: Click here A tragic reality for U.S. veterans and their families is that once a serviceman or woman returns home, they may not...
RxISK.org: Research the side effects of your prescriptions medications
GREAT RESOURCE: If you are prescribed medication(s) by a physician, take a moment to check out this great webpage that allows you to...
"41 Truths People with PTSD Wish Others Understood" article
GREAT RESOURCE!!!! Learn more about PTSD by reading this article below! Source: click here 'Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a...
Mental Health RESOURCE GUIDE for Veterans & Families
This site, Give an Hour Connected: Military and Veteran Resources is an amazing resource guide for useful webpages and organizations...
RESOURCE: Mental Health Services For U.S. Military Personnel and Families
WWW.GIVEANHOUR.ORG www.giveanhour.org is a non-profit organization that provides free mental health services to U.S. military personnel...
CLASS: Youth Mental Health First Aid 4/25. Please consider attending this lifesaving class!
Youth Mental Health First Aid April 25, 2015 8:00am - 5:00pm Wesley United Methodist Church 420 Sylvan Street, Marysville, PA 17053...
CLASS: Adult Mental Health First Aid 3/14. Please consider attending this lifesaving class!
Adult Mental Health First Aid This 8 hour course is for Adults wishing to help Military Members, Veterans and their Families. CEUs for...
"8 Things to Consider When Your Depression's Not Getting Better" article
I keep getting the same email over and over again, and my heart aches each time I read it: “I have tried everything to overcome my...