Updated 'Resources' Page!
Visit our updated 'Printable Materials' page under the 'Resources' tab across the top of our webpage. There are now articles, fact...

"Grieving a Suicide Death" What's Your Grief article
Source: click here Grieving a Suicide Death According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013 there were 41,149 suicides in...

"A Former Congressman Is Working To Help Veterans By Tackling Mental Illness" article
Source: Click here A tragic reality for U.S. veterans and their families is that once a serviceman or woman returns home, they may not...

RxISK.org: Research the side effects of your prescriptions medications
GREAT RESOURCE: If you are prescribed medication(s) by a physician, take a moment to check out this great webpage that allows you to...

Mental Health RESOURCE GUIDE for Veterans & Families
This site, Give an Hour Connected: Military and Veteran Resources is an amazing resource guide for useful webpages and organizations...

"Returning from the War Zone: A Guide for Families of Military Members"
This is a great guide we wanted to share with you all! It features a lot of great information about common war experiences, reaction to...

"Tapping Acupressure Points Heals Trauma in Vets" article in Harrisburg's June 2014 issue of Natural
We found this article mentioning PTSD and a popular alternative treatment among vets known as Emotional Freedom Techniques. Click the...

Military Battles PTSD with Yoga
Military Battles PTSD with Yoga David Wood 1/15/13 For a decade, troops returning from war with mental and physical trauma have been...