Fundraising event this weekend 6/13!!
Anybody who does not have anything going on this Saturday, June 13th from 10a-3p the STAR Capital City Chapter Veterans Rep will be at...

Update on Karl & Sadie
Karl was a former Platoon Sargeant in the United States Marine Corps and has been struggling with post traumatic stress injury (he...

Xena and Clay
Clay Austill is a veteran from Little Rock, Arkansas that connected with our breeder Kay Dale in hopes of recieving a dog to help him...

Veteran battling PTSD learns to cope with help from service dog
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. Veterans and American soldiers are battling a serious mental health problem, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), that...

Study: Service dogs ease PTSD symptoms for vets
Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder who have service dogs experience less severe symptoms of PTSD and depression, improved...

RIP Lager <3
Rest in Peace Lager 8/29/12-11/23/13 Thank you for all the smiles and memories. #servicedog #ptsd

9 Ways Pets Improve Our Lives
11/13/14 Kayla Matthews November is "Adopt a Senior Pet Month," and adopting a pet isn't just good for your pet; it's good for you, too....

Service Dogs Helping Thoses with Trauma
It was a Facebook friendship that brought him to Grand Rapids this week, and it’s the power of social media, along with tried-and-true...

New PTSD Service and Emotional Support Dog Study Underway
With the increase in military veterans returning with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a new study is underway to see if service...
Service Dogs for Treatment of PTSD
This Guy Just Wanted To Kill Himself. When You See What His Dog Does, You’ll Cry. An amazing program called “Puppies Behind Bars” helps...