Facebook Introduces New Tools To Help Prevent Suicide
People struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm often drop hints to friends in conversation, in emails — even on Facebook. The...

"SEPTA Posts Suicide Prevention Signs at Stations" awesome news out of our great state of PA!
LANGHORNE, Pa. (WPVI) -- SEPTA is continuing its suicide prevention campaign. Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia stood...

"Is the 22-Veterans-Per-Day Suicide Rate Reliable?" article
Taken from www.huffingtonpost.com 1/5/2015 There's no doubt that the rising veteran suicide rate is one of the most serious issues...
"Behind These Eyes: A Father's Invisible Grief" article from Huffington Post
Taken from www.huffingtonpost.com 2/9/2015 "Mr. Fiorella, we've found your son. I'm sorry...." After a frantic search for our...

"'The Biggest Barrier' To Preventing Suicide: Not Talking About It" article
From www.commonhealth.org BOSTON — More than two years after her son’s suicide, Susan LaCaire, of Spencer, still has a hard time opening...

"The Blood of Patriots" article written by USMC veteran Dustin Jones
An article written by Dustin Jones, a USMC veteran who served tours of duty with Cpl Dane Freedman. Please click the link below to read...

#suicide #awareness #ptsd #reference

"The VA incorrectly reports suicide data and does a poor job of tracking vets at risk, GAO finds" ar
This is something we unfortunately know all too well. It was known by the VA that Dane was suffering from suicidal thoughts and he was...

Moral Injury Is The 'Signature Wound' Of Today's Veterans
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ARTICLE!!! Many veterans face an injury that goes largely unacknowledged — but journalist David Wood is bringing it to...

Soul Repair: Recovering from Moral Injury after War
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BOOK!!! Title: Soul Repair: Recovering from Moral Injury after War Author: Rita Nakashima Brock ISBN-10: 0807029122...