"How Important Are Dogs For the Mental Health of Recovering Veterans?" News Article
Source: Click here Service dogs have a long and distinguished history helping physically impaired people live more productive lives,...

"Leaving the War in the Woods" news article
Source: Click here by Jason Nark Army veteran Steve Clendenning takes an early morning walk through the New Ringgold Boy Scout Camp...
"Penn Medicine Helping Military Members, Vets Cope With Mental Health Problems" news artic
Source: Click here PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Helping veterans and active-duty members of the military cope with a mental health problem is...

"Therapy Dogs Comfort Survivor of Las Vegas Shooting" ABC News article
Source: Click here A group of therapy dogs are being flown to Las Vegas to comfort survivors from Sunday's mass shooting in Las Vegas....
"PTSD: Therapy should focus first on stability then the trauma" The Sentinel news article
Source: Click here Joseph Cress - The Sentinel Trauma is like taking a walk after stepping on broken glass. The shard digs in deeper with...

"It's time to take pets seriously as mental illness support, say scientists" news arti
Source: click here "Pets can provide incredible value to our lives, but a new study suggests that it's time doctors and mental health...

"Research reveals heart and mental health benefits to bringing pets to work" news article
Source: click here Companies who allow dogs might increase a pet owner's ability to cope with stress and increase their job satisfaction....