"Medical Marijuana Could Help Vets: VA Secretary" NY Daily News article
WASHINGTON — Source: click here Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin said medical marijuana could help veterans, a major split in...
"Service Dogs can Heal Veterans Suffering from PTSD" opinion article
Source: click here On National Purple Heart Day, observed on Aug. 7, the nation paused to honor the decorated men and women wounded in...

"5 Questions: Vietnam veteran speaks on overcoming PTSD, helping others" news article
Source: click here It took him years of struggle, the death of his first wife and self-reflection to finally come to terms with his...
"Nature's Cure for PTSD" news article
Source: click here Bill Alexander, a U.S. Navy veteran at Weatherford College’s Veteran Center, is studying nature and it’s effects on...

CALL TO ACTION! Contact your local Reps NOW!
Next week, the PA House will FINALLY get to hold a vote on SB3 - a bill that would legalize the use of cannabis as a medicine for a...

"Medical Cannabis Deserves a Vote" -Rep. Mike Regan
Source: click here This legislative session has been a difficult one, with a drawn-out and contentious debate about the budget and slow...

"Care About A Veteran With PTSD? Here is How to Help" article
Source: click here Dr. William Gibson and I co-authored this article. He is a psychologist and neuropsychologist at the VA Medical Center...