"We train soldiers for war. Let's train them to come home, too." Ted video
Source: click here for video "Before soldiers are sent into combat, they're trained on how to function in an immensely dangerous...
Service Dogs for Treatment of PTSD
This Guy Just Wanted To Kill Himself. When You See What His Dog Does, You’ll Cry. An amazing program called “Puppies Behind Bars” helps...
"A Soldier's Memoir" official music video
#ptsd #awareness #video #suicide #veteran

Camp Hill Marine's sister speaks out about suicide
Nicole did a great job tonight sharing Dane's story on the evening news. It will also air tonight at midnight on CBS21. Click here to...
Learn Proper Service Dog Etiquette
http://americanmilitarynews.com/2014/02/video-starbucks-employee-veteran-amputee-service-dog-arent-blind/ I feel so sorry for this man,...
YouTube Picture Slideshow
Beautiful slideshow put together by Danes uncle John that includes picures and memories paired with music. #video