CALL TO ACTION! Contact your local Reps NOW!
Next week, the PA House will FINALLY get to hold a vote on SB3 - a bill that would legalize the use of cannabis as a medicine for a variety of different conditions, one being PTSD. This bill is limited in its language (THC caps, few qualifying conditions, no immediate patient protections, etc.) but we still need to contact our legislators and representatives to let them know that WE THE PEOPLE OF PA support a comprehensive medical cannabis program that focuses on patients.

We cannot stress how important it is to contact your local Representative and let them know that you urge them to support such a life saving bill. Individuals with PTSD have only two FDA approved drugs that can be prescribed to them to manage their symptoms, Paxil and Zoloft. They also are paired with very harmful side effects such as: anxiety, panic attacks, worsening depression, suicidal thoughts and/or actions. These mirror symtoms that individuals are already experiencing, causing adverse reactions. Bottom line: Individuals in PA diagnosed with PTSD are overmedicated, not only our Veterans but especially our Veterans!! They deserve to medicate with a safer alternative medication - medical cannabis gives them that option!!
Please, take the time to consider reaching out to your local Representative by phone or by email, and let them know that this plant has the potential to save lives. Dane died waiting for this plant to become legalized, we CANNOT afford to lose any more veterans by their own hand! We cannot afford to continue to live low qualities of life dependant on heavy pharmaceuticals!! We are STILL WAITING!
In loving memory of Cpl Dane Freedman, USMC. September 13, 1988 - December 13, 2013